THINK AND GROW RICH by Napolean Hill: My Reading
A QUITTER NEVER WINS-AND— A WINNER NEVER QUITS How one can attain riches? How one can beat procrastination? How one can overcome his fears? How one can transform his ardent desire into monetary equivalent? How can one harness and use the power of DESIRE? Instead of searching on Google and YouTube," How to be rich......?" Follow your passion and start improving and investing in yourself. Hill published his first interpretation of this individual achievement philosophy in 1928 as the multi-volume Law of Success,exactly twenty years after the Carnegie interview. Think and Grow Rich was a modern abridgment of that set, published in 1937 written by Napoleon Hill . I hear about this book from a YouTube video as a life changing book that's why I picked this one. Really enthusiast one!! The person who stops studying merely because he has finished school is forever hopelessly doomed to mediocrity, no matter what maybe his calling. Before we can accumula...