The subtle art of not giving a fuck!!

The subtle art of not giving a fuck: A counterintuitive approach to living a good life, is the second book of Mark Manson,an American self help author and blogger ,published in 2016. He is a star blogger with more than two million readers. He lives in New York City.

I would say, don't just go on the F-word. This book gives us the need to find the reason of our existence.This book begins as a big, messy thing as such taking something comprehensible out of it seems difficult in the beginning but as I approach the end it feels, seriously, like re-reading it. Impressive!!

There is a subtle art to not giving a
fuck. And though the concept may sound
ridiculous. It focuses essentially on learning how to focus and prioritize your thoughts effectively—how to pick and choose what matters to you and what does not matter to you based on finely honed personal values.
Giving it a fuck means to prioritise it.

 It comes with the spiritual touch that is justified.It comes up with wondrous and mystical examples with every fold of the page.

In one example he concluded:
"This is the real story of Bukowski’s success: his comfort with himself as a failure."
Bukowski’s life embodies the
American Dream: a man fights for what
he wants, never gives up, and eventually
achieves his wildest dreams. His success stemmed not from some
determination to be a winner, but from
the fact that he knew he was a loser,
accepted it. He didn't give a fuck about success.

There are two laws which we should know-

1. Murphy’s law: “Whatever can go wrong
will go wrong.”
2. Parkinson’s law: “Work expands so as to
fill up the time available for its

The things to learn from the book -

• Take responsibility of your problem.

• Unsuccessful people avoid problems instead of seeking to solve it.

• We are so materially well off, yet
so psychologically tormented in so many
low-level and shallow ways. 

• The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience.And paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is  itself a positive experience.

• It exaggerated the idea of self-retrospection. Honest self questioning is difficult but important.

• It focuses on the idea that not always the highs are important in our life for example driving a Bentley, owning a bungalow, having riches , having a green front lawn, having cool and cozy life, going on the vacation every year, luxury and all. Sometimes seeking satisfaction in problems and sufferings can give you happiness.

• If suffering is inevitable, if our
problems in life are unavoidable, then
the question we should be asking is not
“How do I stop suffering?” but “Why am
I suffering—for what purpose?”

• We are essentially giving fucks
about the things that don’t matter, things
that in fact make our life worse. But
when we choose better values, we are
able to divert our fucks to something
better—toward things that matter, things
that improve the state of our well-being
and that generate happiness, pleasure,
and success as side effects.

• Our values determine the metrics by
which we measure ourselves and
everyone else.


We have limited fucks to give....!!
Do prioritize your work.....!!!!

Success is about-
untangling our addictions, 
identifying and confronting our own entitlement, 
accepting responsibility for our own problems,
suffering through out fears and
accepting our failures and
embracing rejections.

This, in a nutshell, is what “self-improvement” is really about:
prioritizing better values, choosing
better things to give a fuck about.
I strongly recommend reading it.



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