THE 5AM CLUB: My Reading

Doesn't it sound interesting?

The 5AM Club is not only an astounding story authored by Robin Sharma, globally respected Canadian writer, but also a revolutionary part of an inspiration, encouragement and galvanisation bestowed by an writer in this century on the worthy readers. You can't stop on reading further once you started it. The book is flooded with the number of quotes,and thoughts by greatest of the thinkers and philosophers of the epoch.The central idea that is recurringly mentioned in the book is 
"Own your Morning , Elevate your Life!!"

The plot moves around the four fellow beings Spell binder,an artist ,an entrepreneur and the billionaire, Stone Riley. If you are wondering that is meant by SpellBinder, as I did when I first read it, so it means the speaker of compelling eloquence, the one who compels attention.

The story starts with a seminar of SpellBinder in which the other three are the spectators. They met there only. Stone Riley, who is seemed to be the vagabond at that day, communicated with the artist and the entrepreneur after the seminar and win their hearts . That meet influenced the artist and the entrepreneur to such extent that it compelled them to join a trip with Stone Riley. Stone Riley was already the pupil of SpellBinder. He takes them to Mauritius, Rome, India too and finally South Africa.

"Your past is a place to be learned from, not a
home to be lived in."

He mentioned commenting on the evolution of human being so comprehensively.
"Adults are deteriorated children,” he went on. “When you were much
younger, you understood how to live. Staring at stars filled you with delight.
Running in a park made you feel alive. And chasing butterflies flooded you with
joy. Oh, how I adore butterflies. Then, as you grew up, you forgot how to be
human. You forgot how to be bold and enthusiastic and loving and wildly alive.
Your precious reservoirs of hope faded."

He emphasized on continue calibrating our Mindset,purifying our Heartset, fortifying our Healthset and escalating our Soulset. Where mindset is to psychology, heart set is too emotionalilty, soulset is to spirituality and healthset is to physicality.

In this technology grabbed world, people who should be working, delighting customers, showcasing extraordinary
skills, unlocking otherworldly value for their organizations so both they and their
firms experience success are watching inane videos on their phones, shopping
online for shoes or scrolling through their social feeds. Sad enough!!

He introduced the readers with entire day routine especially focusing on the morning routine that is common in most of the iconic personas.

THE 20/20/20 FORMULA

The 20/20/20 formula is an absolute game changer. He described Procrastination as an act of self-hatred.So really go all in on installing The 20/20/20 Formula as the core way of managing your morning. The 20/20/20 formula says you must wake up early in the morning and divide your given one hour in the following order; 20 minutes move, 20 minutes reflect and 20 minutes grow.
Here it is at a glance.

After teaching all the tactics and tips of spending the victory hour most productively he uttered-

During the journey,  the artist and the entrepreneur fall in love with each other.

He stated once,"Think of the words of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer,
who wrote, ‘Most people take the limits of their vision to be the limits of the
world. A few do not. Join them.’”

The last chapter is set with all four leaders at Nelson Mandela's prison cell where he spent 18 out of 27 years of his imprisonment before he become the President of South Africa. Quite emotional part!!
I have completed reading...... When are you starting ???

Here I am providing you the link to the book in pdf format-

This is one of the must read books, I think. If you open the playstore and type The 5AM Club, you can find different apps that can help you monetize your morning.


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